Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Flip Video Camera

Flip Cameras have been purchased for the Fresno, Bakersfield and Visalia Centers for use in video taping a 20 minute segment of the lesson your will use for your TPA 4. This camera will not zoom in nor does it have a tri-pod but I found it easy to use. I downloaded the software on the Flip site and when I plugged the camera into the USB port on my computer it very quickly found the camera and gave me options as to what I wanted to do with the video.
KEY: You must download the software to your computer prior to loading the video into your computer. If you load the video without the software your computer cannot read and transfer the video to Task Stream.
A question came up during the workshop about what you should be taping. The tape must be 20 continuous minutes (stopping and starting would be considered editing). The goal of the tape is to demonstrate you ability to instruct your students and to follow through with a learning activity. My suggestion would be to think through your lesson and find a segment that would demonstrate your teaching strategy and a student activity. Please remember that this is not the only way your TPA will be assessed. 

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